Sunday, May 10, 2015

On Mother's Day

As I sit in our office, where I've been threatened not to come out until I'm told, I am feeling so overwhelmed with different emotions. I feel so lucky, grateful, and honored for so many different reasons. 

This is my first Mother's Day (with a baby outside of my belly). I've always tried to do something special for my mom on this day, but this year I feel like I couldn't possibly do enough to thank her for everything she has done for me. My mom always told me that I would never truly understand the love she has for me until I have my own children, and I believed her, but I didn't really grasp how much she really loved me and the sacrifices that she has made for me and my sister over the last 28 years. We have had very different experiences during this early stage of motherhood, and I am in a very different situation than she was when she had me, but the amount of love and the number of sacrifices is comparable. 

Becoming a mother has been the absolute hardest thing I've ever done in my life. It has challenged my body, my mentality, my patience, and my relationships, and it has only been 8 months. I know that the challenges will continue and change, especially as my family grows, but every time I see my baby smile or feel his little fingers rub my cheek, I know that it is all worth it. 

I want to thank all of the great mothers in my life today for all of the hard work that you are doing to ensure that your babies have everything they need to be happy and successful in this life. It isn't easy, but it is so worth it. God chose each one of us to mother our children for a reason, and even though we doubt that we are doing a good enough job on many days, I assure you that if you are worried that you aren't good enough, then you most definitely are. Our babies are the reasons we wake each morning to fight through every day of this life, and one day, when they are parents, they will appreciate every bit of that fight. So, keep on, mama! You are doing a great job. 

Happy Mother's Day. 

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