Thursday, December 11, 2014

Be still, my heart.

Be still, my heart. 

I don’t want to ever leave this moment. He is more comfortable in my arms than anywhere else on this earth. My terrible singing voice soothes him when his feelings are hurt or his belly is aching. He gazes into my eyes and half smiles behind his bottle, and I know how much he loves me.

I know that this will change. One day, he won’t need me to rock him to sleep, or to hold his hand and sing to him in the car. He won’t wake at night with his hands wondering over my face to feel that I’m still there. He won’t find comfort in being pressed against me in his sling, which is his favorite place to rest and relax these days. He won’t want to nurse in those early morning hours, when only he and I are awake to witness the beauty of the quiet night and each other’s company.

My baby boy, the one who taught me what selflessness is really about. The tiny little creature who takes up all of the space in my heart, my home, and my time will never remember these moments. But, I will.

I pray that as time moves along, and he grows up, and our family grows larger, that I may never forget these precious moments. I ask, Lord, that you engrave these images into my heart and my head, and allow me to remember this feeling forever. Amen

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