Friday, January 2, 2015

Merry 7th Day of Christmas!

This post may be a little rambling because I've taken the last couple of weeks to concentrate on my sweet little man, family, and holiday fun! 

Today is the 7th Day of Christmas, so technically this is not a late Christmas post. 

Price's 1st Christmas was wonderful, and he seemed to go with the flow of our normal Christmas festivities. On Christmas eve, we always attend mass and then return home to host a delicious chili dinner with our parents and siblings and exchange a few gifts. This is always my favorite night because it is low key, the food prep is easy, and we get to enjoy each other's company without being overwhelmed by a ton of people. 

This year was even better because we had a little extra entertainment, compliments of baby Boyd. 

Isn't he precious?

Even the doggies get Christmas gifts! This year Gran Gran spoiled them. 

Price couldn't hang.

Aunt Deanna loving!

Christmas morning this year was such a great experience! Price actually participated in opening his gifts, and seemed to really like what he got! It was the cutest thing ever. Sine he is only three months old, we kept his gifts to a minimum, really getting him things that he needs. He got a pretty cool mobile that has a light display, his very first life jacket (we are super pumped about island trips this summer with him!), a few cool toys, pacifiers, and some teethers. We are SO excited for next year! 

Christmas day, after we do "Santa" at home and drink tons of coffee, it is tradition to drive to Louisiana to my Grandmother's house for a super loud, super crowded (wouldn't have it any other way) traditional cajun style Christmas dinner (really lunch). We've done this since forever, and this year Price joined us. We were a little nervous that he wouldn't cooperate with all of the people and action, but with a little outside air, and the coziness of his ring sling, he made it through the day without a hitch! Daddy, however, forgot all of Price's food on the counter at home, we both almost had a melt down, and he had to find a store open on Christmas day that carried Price's particular formula before a melt down occured. It all worked out, and we had a great day. 

I hope that you all enjoy your next 5 days of Christmas! As much as I absolutely love this time of year, I am so looking forward to packing away the Christmas clutter, getting back into a semi normal routine, and kicking off 2015! 

New Year post coming soon!

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