Thursday, December 18, 2014

I'm The Best Mama

I am the best mama for my baby.

As much as I appreciate all of the advice from friends, family, and complete strangers, I know that I am the best mama for my baby. Don't we all do the best we can to be the best parents we can be?

I catch myself doing it too... "you know, this works great for my baby when he is ________."

Then I remember. This mama is also the best mama for her baby, and she probably knows what works (and has most likely tested out many methods to find that one thing), and my "peanut gallery" comments are not helping her to solve her problem or soothe her baby.

As fellow moms, we feel that other mom's pain and frustration, and we just really want to help. We've been there too. But instead of offering unwanted advice, essentially making that other mom feel like she is doing something wrong in our eyes, why don't we just offer a hand. And I don't mean a hand with the baby (she knows what she is doing, remember? Plus, who can soothe a baby better than the mama?) Offering to take the baby from her gives the impression that you think you can do it better. And you are wrong. Instead, do her dishes, carry her bag, or car seat, push her buggy, load up her stroller for her. Give her a hand with something that will enable her to give all of her attention to that baby of hers. I promise, she will really appreciate it.

Moms and mother in laws of new mamas, this goes for you as well.
Do not compare your sweet grandbaby to your own children when they were babies. And do not compare your daughter's mothering to your own. She will do it her way, and even if you think it is the "wrong" way, let her figure that out on her own. Your new mommy daughter will love you all the more for supporting her completely as she faces this huge learning curve.

To my mom and mother in law,
Thank you for your support, even if you do think that we are "spoiling" our precious boy. Thank you for keeping your comments (mostly) to yourself. Terry and I love you both an appreciate all of the help!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

That Dang Breast Pump! Ugh!

Now, I know you breastfeeding mamas have experienced this... right? Or am I the only one?

Caution: Mama Rant ahead...

I'm sitting in my desk at work, or worse, standing in front of a classroom full of teenagers, and I feel "the tingle." I know that I'm leaking, and it's only so long before I must hustle my way down the crowded hall with my pump on my shoulder to sit in that oddly quiet, deserted classroom that has been designated as my pumping space. 

As I rush to get all "hooked up," I'm getting milk all over my pants, the chair, my know, exactly what I wanted to happen before I have to rush back to the classroom looking like I've been in a water balloon fight. Try explaining where you've been to your class, even without the wet dots on your pants. "Why do you leave everyday, Mrs. Boyd?" "What is in that bag, Mrs. Boyd?" Well, kids, my baby needs to eat...even when I'm not there. Catch my drift, class? "Hahahaha!" That's the response. 

Anyway, I finally get everything in order, and suddenly, THERE IS NO MILK! How is it that milk is dripping out everywhere, and it never fails that as soon as you hook that thing up to save all of that precious "liquid gold," all of your milk miraculously just sucks back into your boob and won't come out!!! I mean it was JUST dripping, and now I can't even SUCK it out?! Seriously? 

And then I sit there for 20 minutes and pray that I can at least get two measly ounces. 

Rant over. 

Is this a familiar view?

Seeing the Beauty in Ordinary Things

Time slow down.

 He’s already 3 months old. I just had him yesterday, right? He smiles, rolls over, holds my hand, recognizes my voice, smell, and the way I cuddle him when he is sleepy.  

Watching him learn about the world around him, and seeing how amazed he is at the most ordinary things has been a gift. I get to see the world through a new set of eyes.

His most recent discoveries are the lights and ornaments on our Christmas tree! He may not have any clue about the true meaning of Christmas, and he may not remember this year, or celebrate the gifts he will be given, but oh, how much he has gained from this beautiful time of year!

Photo by: Delaina Marie Photography
To celebrate Price's 3 month Birthday, we spent the day at Bass Pro Shop having lunch, doing a little Christmas shopping, and letting Price meet Santa for the first time. It was a great way to celebrate him, and get into the holiday spirit! 

Speaking of Santa... I'm so glad that we don't have to explain it to him this year. How do we keep Christ in CHRISTmas and enjoy the fairy tale of Santa? I want to make sure that we find a way to make this season NOT about the gifts once he's old enough to understand it. 

How do you do it?

Also, what about those creepy little elves on shelves? I know that they are an incentive for your child to behave well (and I know that they are fun!), but shouldn't they be trying to behave well all year, and shouldn't they be doing it for reasons other than "the elf is watching and will report back to Santa?" What will they do when the elf is gone? 

All of these new mama questions, oh my!

Thank goodness, he stayed asleep!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Be still, my heart.

Be still, my heart. 

I don’t want to ever leave this moment. He is more comfortable in my arms than anywhere else on this earth. My terrible singing voice soothes him when his feelings are hurt or his belly is aching. He gazes into my eyes and half smiles behind his bottle, and I know how much he loves me.

I know that this will change. One day, he won’t need me to rock him to sleep, or to hold his hand and sing to him in the car. He won’t wake at night with his hands wondering over my face to feel that I’m still there. He won’t find comfort in being pressed against me in his sling, which is his favorite place to rest and relax these days. He won’t want to nurse in those early morning hours, when only he and I are awake to witness the beauty of the quiet night and each other’s company.

My baby boy, the one who taught me what selflessness is really about. The tiny little creature who takes up all of the space in my heart, my home, and my time will never remember these moments. But, I will.

I pray that as time moves along, and he grows up, and our family grows larger, that I may never forget these precious moments. I ask, Lord, that you engrave these images into my heart and my head, and allow me to remember this feeling forever. Amen